
If you are having any issues at all with your service, please call our support hotline at +1 807-789-CAMP (2267) between 8 AM and 10 PM, any day of the week.

Alternatively, you can email us through the form to the right or directly to

Simple troubleshooting steps:

  • Double-check Internet access status on a wired device to ensure it isn't a wireless issue.

  • Verify power is going to the POE; if so, reset it for 15-30 seconds.

  • Confirm tower service is active by checking our network status update below.

If these tips don't help, get in touch and we will sort you out as best we can.

Planned Maintenance

None at this time.

Current Network Outages

All systems are reporting 100% operational.

“Point of Whiskey” | Melissa Jean

“Point of Whiskey” | Melissa Jean